Dr. Derrick W. Klaassen
Existential Analysis in the North American Psychotherapeutic Context
Although Logotherapy and Existential Analysis (EA) enjoy an enduring and widespread appeal in Western Europe, EA is a new addition to the panoply of psychotherapies in North America. EA shares some common values and therapeutic processes with other approaches, especially those with existential and/or person-centred commitments. However, there are also unique facets that are much needed in our current cultural situation in North America.
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Dr. Alfried Längle
Building Vibrant Existential Communities: Reflections on Human Possibilities and Limitations
Abstract to follow…
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Dr. Janelle Kwee
We Are EA: Envisioning our Future of Dialogue and Praxis
This inaugural congress of the Existential Analysis Society of Canada represents an important milestone in the development of a community of Existential Analysis (EA) and Logotherapy in North America. We are indeed in the process of becoming a community of practice, grounded in this theoretical framework.
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Michèle Croquevielle
“Without you, life cannot be, but neither can it be with only you”: International Development of Existential Analysis
Existential Analysis and Logotherapy unite a robust international community of practitioners and scholars. This geographically, culturally, and linguistically diverse community offers generous opportunities for continual development and application of Existential Analysis (EA).
“La vida no puede ser sin ti, pero tampoco sólo contigo”: Desarrollo Internacional de Análisis Existencial
El Análisis Existencial y la Logoterapia unen a una comunidad internacional de profesionales y académicos. Esta comunidad es diversa, geográfica, cultural y lingüísticamente, y ofrece oportunidades generosas para el desarrollo continuo y la aplicación del Análisis Existencial (AE).
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Dr. Christopher Wurm
Becoming a Community of Practice – an Australian perspective
This presentation is a personal reflection on the evolution of the GLE-International, as well as the rise (and fall) of other organisations and societies with related areas of interest.
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Dr. Mihaela Launeanu
Existential-analytic psychotherapy in the era of empirically supported treatments: Critical review and perspectives on future developments
Existential Analysis (EA) identifies itself as a phenomenological psychotherapy that aims to engage and work with essential characteristics of the human person such as: free will, responsibility, inner consent and capacity to find meaning even in the face of profoundly absurd or painful life circumstances.
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